Kind of fun vibes, right?!! Literally no one knows what’s going on. So many writers I know are watching a website that they loved (and LOATHED) crumble, which is, in the scheme of things both hilarious and fine.
Last night I went to a birthday party for someone I met from twitter in 2015. I brought with me the boyfriend I met from twitter whom I’ve been dating since 2016. (We left the dog whom I found on Instagram at home). Every job I’ve had since 2014 I’ve gotten from Twitter. I sold a book based on having a twitter following (which I have always admitted is a very dumb metric for letting someone sell a book!!!) The place is meaningless—as is everything—sure. We also all knew this day was coming; it’s not like anyone thought that a social media site could last forever. But also the loss of these loose networks is sad.
There are so many people whose work I will no longer read or see if they stop posting on there. Replacement-y places like Substack have their advantages, to be sure, but man I really loved seeing people’s simple, inelegant thoughts next to strong opinions, next to requests for sushi recommendations in Dayton, Ohio. It was nice to have someone go from tweeting a comprehensive thread about how a 1942 court case changed the American education system to tweeting out something like “why do dogs have so many nipples” the next day. That was nice! We were having fun!! (And hating it!)
Anyway. I’m going to try to come back to this newsletter because I don’t know & because I have ADHD and what else is there to do but announce every thought I have somewhere? (Annoying alert).
I have no idea what this newsletter will look like. Probably not very good— at least for a bit, with occasionally nice moments that make you think “wow, she should be doing something else with her time and so should I.”
I’ll obviously still be on twitter until it dies dies dies and they don’t let us log in.
Holy shit, indeed! Welcome back!